This week we had an amazing Tuesday. And no I'm not trying to blog about it to show off but Im doing it because I wanted to document it for me. It's been a while since we went out to dinner and drove around town all evening long. On this night we did so much and it reminded me of when I dated Chris last year (while we engaged). We would always go out to movies, out to eat, visit friends, go run errands together and be together 24/7. I'm not saying we don't do that now but being married bring more bills and more bills with a side of responsibility. We really enjoy our relaxing stay at home and watch a movie time. Honestly though I didn't realize how much I took living with my parents for granted. I had no real worries or big bills. Now that we have a house and some toys and each other to care for, it all adds up. I must admit though Chris and I make such a good team. We always help each other out and protect each other.
Back to my story... Sorry Im feeling a bit talkative today with lots of energy. We went to a friends baby shower, Chipotle & Cold Stone, visit another friend and her newborn baby, and then we finished the night with some good ol shopping.
This was all after Chris got off work! So as you can imagine we had tons to do with little time. We went to baby Sophies welcome baby shower, which was so cute! I loved that they used lime green with pastel pink, those are some of my favorite colors together. I went and dropped off the gift and of course said hi to everyone. Then, we went to dinner because we were starving!! Chipotle was delicious... YUMMM and there wasn't that many people. After that, my hubby and I shared cold stone cone although it took us about 15 minutes to finally decide on what we wanted. I must say I didnt feel as bad eating both these things because I worked out for two hours at my 24 fitness gym. I was sweating like I never have before. I did boot camp & Yoga so yesss I deserved some good food.
Then, we visited Gaby and her three day old baby girl. It was a blast we ended up visiting her for about an hour long. Since it was getting a little late and the baby was getting hungry we said our goodbyes and went shopping. :D you know I love me some shopping. Now get this we bought these things all for $30.00:
*Chris got a new T-shirt
*Two new ties- a hot purple striped one and a grey & black striped tie
*Tongs for cooking
*A frame stand.
So I would say we did spectacular. I didn't find anything for me but then again we only shopped for 15 minutes. If you don't want to spend too much money I would say take your husband/boyfriend with you. Men don't have any patience for shopping. It's funny.
Anyways so once we got home I fell asleep as soon as I laid down and Chris ended up watching a movie alone :/ I was suppose to watch it with him but I just crashed.
(Now this is the funny part)
After the movie Chris very carefully put me in a comfortable sleeping position because I was all kinds of everywhere on the bed and upside down.. HA HA and he didn't want to wake me up but I did. When I got up he was squeezing me telling me not to leave him.. I was like whatt????
But we had rented the movie "BONDS OF SILENCE" and let me warn you right now. This is based on a true story and it is a lifetime type of movie. So it is a bit depressing to watch. To make a long story short theres this family of four and the wife and husband were super happy and then he gets in a comfrontation with teenagers and he ends up passing away. WAY SAD but good movie.
I didn't know this story line until I watched it the following day so it did surprise me that he was saying that. Chris is such a soft caring husband, I couldnt have asked for a better life. I am glad we have the relationship we have. We know it's not going to be easy but we're going to give it all we got.