Friday, July 22, 2011

Lake second time

Last weekend went by too fast. Life seems to be flying by lately, and I cant tell you how much im looking forward to next month. It'll be birthday month in the Rudd home. My birthday is August 15 and Chris is August 22. So as you can see I just can't wait so I am very excited.
Saturday Chris did more boat things while I caught up on my sleep. Last week was rough for me. I hardly slept and I was so thankful to sleep in on Saturday. I can't tell you how relieved I am to get rid of the toothache. I am no longer on pain killers and that is a great sign!!!! I dont wake up to my tooth throbbing every 2 - 4 hours. After we got ready we went over to my in-laws and we hung out over there. We helped Mandi and Marcus move for a few hours. ( And let me tell you IT IS TOOO HOT to move!!) once we finished we got to eat some delicious chinese food. After visiting the family we started getting ready for the lake. We went around 3 and stayed at the lake until like 7 and got to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful drive home I loved the view we got to watch. The night ended with us eating at this Mexican food restaurant and then us falling asleep with all the lights on. HA HA we were exhausted.

We had one of the best weekends we've had in a while.


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